People can get pretty creative when it comes to their dog's names! To prove it, Nationwide combed through their database to select the top wackiest dog names.The finalists were put to public vote.
This year’s honor of “Wackiest Pet Name” goes to DJ Skribbles and Bits (who beat Stella Bean Dip by a nose) in the dog division!
Take a look at the other entries and let us know who you think should have won. Without further ado, we give you the Top 50 Wacky Dog Names of 2019!
Top 50 Wacky Dog Names of 2019
- Albus Dumbledog
- Bilbo Beggins
- Captain Morgan Freeman
- Nostradogmus
- Ruff Bader Ginsburg
- Grampaw
- Indiana Bones
- Big League Chewie
- Stella Bean Dip
- Dj Skribbles And Bits
- Alexys Electra
- Apollo Rising Sun Of Zeus Burris
- Auggie Mc Doggie
- Barnaby Bones
- Barkardi Gold
- Beef Frank
- Bull Wrinkle
- Blackwaters Scrappy Dappy Doo Of Talking Water
- Bonita Gordita
- Bubba Snuggles
- Doodles Mcdude
- El Chalupacabra
- Floofy Mcfluffington
- Fudge Truffle Kadunkadunk
- Hotrod Whoofington
- Jiggle Wiggle
- Judge Nugget
- Louis Gaga Boots Berrie I King Of All Dogs
- Mango Mango Tango Tango
- Mean Muggin Magoo
- Naughty Bugatti
- No Chitt Sherlock
- Ozzy Mick Jagger Mclovin
- Peggy Sandwich
- Picklepuppy
- Piggy Mcwiggles
- Rocco Taco
- Ruby Gumbo Jambalaya
- Scarlet O Hairy
- Scruffy Mcgruff
- Sebastian Bok Choy
- Shimmer Me Timber
- Sock Monkey
- Spartykiss
- Squirt Magoo
- Sweetpea Mcwaddles
- Tater Tot Von Booferhausen
- Tato The Potato
- The Big Ragu
- The Evil Dr. Porkchop
The cats division was just as creative with Jean Clawed Van Damme purring past Boba Fetticini. You can read more about them at WackyPetNames.com.
We love the creativity that each of these names reflect and we can't wait to hear what you think! Tell us about your dog or cat's name and how they got it. We think there will be some interesting stories!