Spring is well on the horizon, but April showers don’t just bring May flowers! Allergies too! We get stuffy, sneezy, achy and all sorts of other inconveniences, but did you know that your furry pal could have allergies too? Yup! Just like us, our furry friends can have all sorts of food and environmental allergies; your dog could have them right now without you knowing!
Fear not though, these are some signs that your dog may have to pay your vet a visit:
Your dog may have an allergy if you notice these signs:
- Itchiness
- Swelling of the face, ears, or lips
- Red inflamed skin or red patches
- Diarrhea
- Hives
- Excessive sneezing or coughing
- Runny eyes
- Constant licking
- Scattered attention or hyperactivity
The most common and easily noticeable symptom is Atopic Dermatitis, which is skin inflammation and itchiness – your buddy might be so bothered that they begin to lick or bite at themselves. You may notice bald spots or even wounds as a result.
Some allergies can be managed with antihistamines, but some of the more serious food intolerances and allergies may require a special kind or brand of food, a specialized diet, or even food elimination trials. These trials function by limiting the type of food your dog eats for long enough periods of time in order to disqualify or qualify a food as an “Allergen trigger”
Common Environmental allergen triggers:
- Ragweed and pollen
- (In severe allergies) Grass
- Mold spores
- Dust mites
- Dander
Common Food-based allergen triggers:
- Soy
- Corn
- Dairy
- Wheat
- Egg
- Fish
- Various pet-food additives
The best thing to do if you suspect your dog has an allergy is to take them to the veterinarian. Your vet will be your best source and resource for treatment. Another great tool in your allergy arsenal are good, soothing, all-natural pet products designed to tackle skin irritations, such as DERMagic’s great line of pet-care products!
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Photo by Alec Favale on Unsplash
Pet MD